ABA & Parent Shaming (Autistic Advocate Speaks Out)

Here is the video: https://youtu.be/lbsT1Gilkc8

Russell Lehmann is a motivational speaker and poet with a platform for autism and mental health.

He also supports parents with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Russell believes in working together and finding supportive strategies for parents and their children.

Why is there such a divide in the autism community?

Is all ABA therapy abusive?

Do you have to say “autistic person” or is person with autism fine?

What about neurodiversity and neurodiverse?

All the terms and the arguments surrounding these topics are becoming more and more troublesome for parents with newly diagnosed children to navigate through to find support.

This week’s topic is a controversial one: ABA and Parent Shaming.

All we ask is to please keep comments and feedback respectful.

We are all here to share our care and love with and together with the autism population (or neurodivese population…).

Get in touch with Russell here:


IG: https://www.instagram.com/autism_advocate_/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/Lehmann.Russell/

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