Autism Support That TRULY Works

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Get your tissues ready – it’s an absolutely beautiful testimonial!

Autism Parents and Professionals: We urge you to watch how AIMS has changed not only Melanie’s way of working with neurodivergent and neurotypical children but also how she has seen her students transform through implementing these strategies.

We love receiving testimonials. This one, from Melanie (Melly’s Music Club, UK) has struck a very emotional chord, no pun intended 🙂

Melanie is an extremely talented music teacher and has shown an incredible amount of motivation and determination to complete AIMS courses.

Melanie has not only outperformed on these courses but more importantly generalized all the practical suggestions provided in her music classes in the UK.

At AIMS our goal is to provide practical, easy-to-implement strategies to support neurodivergent children (diagnosed with autism, ADHD, SPD, and related conditions) in their everyday life.

The aim is to make a real and positive difference not only for the amazing children we work with, but for their parents, siblings, teachers, and other team members.

We pride ourselves in a holistic support system that we have created in collaboration with autistic adults. Our neurodivergent advisors provide us with valuable input to ensure our strategies and way of working with our children are up to date and relevant to each individual.

Melanie – you have not only blown us away with your incredibly beautiful testimonial but also the way in which you are able to immediately implement these strategies in your sessions with your neurotypical and neurodivergent students.

Thank you and for everything you are doing for these beautiful individuals!

To contact Melanie, you can email her: or contact her via this page:

For more information on these courses, have a look at the Intensive Parenting Course, which is a wonderful starting point for parents and professionals:

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