It is April again, which means it is Autism Awareness month. Many individuals on the autism spectrum get annoyed with the yearly focus on autism, instead of a more constant acceptance and celebration of differences. At AIMS Global we have been working hard in creating practical courses that range from free to affordable to parents and individuals on the autism spectrum (and related disorders).
We want to offer a 50% discount to all our subscribers for completing The Perfect Environment course. Follow this link to claim your spot today and be sure to expect a calmer home with these easy-to-implement strategies! Use the code “PERFECT” to receive 50% off and make sure you do this before 30 April 2021!
We will take you on a short and interactive journey to discover the 10 best secrets for creating this calmness today and every day onwards. We have been in the field for many amazing years and these 10 elements that we discuss are the ones that we always include for any child and family. It has also proven to be the elements that make the most positive change in any child’s home with the added bonus of creating a calm atmosphere for not only the child, but the siblings and parents too!
We also want to give you access to free courses, so be sure to explore our online school’s curriculum more by clicking here. We have included free training courses, talks from experts (such as Dr. Evelyn Law), and created templates that you can print today, use immediately and create a calm space for you and everyone in your family. We are excited for you to experience this!
Enjoy the perfect environment course and feeling!
Karla, Nanette, Regine and everyone at AIMS Global