Mindfulness Activities for EVERYONE!

Check out the full video here: https://youtu.be/7CSnVnzOteE

Sometimes we struggle to carve time out for meditation. And if we struggle to do it ourselves, how much more so for our kids?!  To add to that, itâs also not the easiest thing to know how to get our kids involved in mindfulness activities.

I want to share with you a few games that our kids enjoy being part of and they are working on learning to be mindful at the same time!

These are all games that we can do with our children if we like, and that provides some mindfulness time for us too.

Why not start with a few mindfulness activities in your day? 

These can be fun AND part of a daily activity that you MUST do – for example, you can create mindful eating times or a mindful walk. 

Letâs think of a few activities that we can combine our actual tasks with being fully present: 

  1. Mindful eating – when you have your lunch today, try and focus on the smell of the food, the textures, how it looks, is it crunchy when you chew it (the sound), and also what does it really taste like. Find the more subtle tastes as well as the more obvious ones. As soon as we start mindful eating, we will also be more aware of what we are eating – and how this meal makes us feel afterward. 
  2. Mindful walks – the next time you go on a short walk, make sure you have your âmindful hatâ on. This can be a metaphor and other times it might be useful to have a special hat or backpack perhaps that reminds you that this is going to be a mindful walk. Look around and make sure you take in some of the more minor details in the area that you are walking in, what you smell, how the ground feels like that you are walking on (or the tree you are climbing) and what you hear? 
  1. Guess what youâve got – this is one that my kids love.  You take some random objects (things they are familiar with) and put them in a pillowcase.  Take turns for your kids to put their hand in, grab an object without looking and then try to figure out (by only touching or holding it) what it is.  This helps them to tune into what they can feel with their hands and develops that understanding and awareness of the sense of touch.

Let us know how you go with these games and please feel free to add more to the list!

Here is the link again for the full video: https://youtu.be/7CSnVnzOteE

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