Full-time Live-in Therapist

About our full-time live-in therapists:
AIMS Global offers full-time therapists that live with or nearby families and provide therapy throughout the week. Our experienced therapists are guided by their supervisors in creating Individual Educational Plans (IEPâs) to assist your child in all developmental areas.
All our programs include an initial program, various profiles to help manage a range of behaviors (challenging behaviors and sensory overload included) as well as ongoing child-specific training and feedback.
Empirical research states that families who receive respite and support experience decreased levels of stress and a higher rate of feeling equipped to manage their entire family unit.
Our therapists have training in various therapeutic modalities, such as ABA, Playtherapy, RDI and other. Some of our therapists have also completed courses in AAC, Makaton, Spelling to Communicate, to name a few. The therapists are all experienced in generalizing goals and targets from Speech and Language therapists, Occupational therapists and teachers at school to the home environment.
We offer initial AIMS training as well as ongoing training sessions that are specifically aimed at your childâs and familyâs needs. Our training courses are accredited through IBCCES and have been proven to be effective, not only for our clients, but also their families.
Your therapist will have flexible hours and compared to an âhourly-rate based therapistâ the service is affordable and effective.
Some of our therapists go with families on vacations and join in on outings, provide school shadowing and provide support in various environments.
Generalization of skills from one environment or therapeutic setting to another is another added benefit of hiring a live-in therapist.
Who our full-time live-in therapists are for:
Families that feel they need an âextra handâ at home. Our therapists are with your child for 7-8hrs a day, 5 days a week and will accompany your child to various appointments, school, therapies and general outings. Do you need someone that can help with the morning routine, transitions, morning or afternoon sessions and perhaps going to the shops? Our therapists are equipped and ready to offer you respite!
FAQ about full-time live-in therapists
We have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions, but feel free to send us an email should you need more information (hello@aimsglobal.info).